Monday, November 18, 2013

The First Entry

It has been a long while since I've had a blog. At least, since I've had a blog that wasn't connected to something else (I use my deviantart journal almost religiously). Recently, though, I've opened several accounts surrounding my writing and most of them ask for a link to a personal site or a blog.

And if most of them have that, guess what I should probably have?

So here I am. I'll drop in here now and again to rant and rave bout the things I'm interested in, most of it is probably going to have to do with literature. I'll avoid personal problems if I can because that's what my other journals are for.

This one, though, is for my writing.

My first book goes up on December 1st. That's a little under two weeks from now. I've been writing back and forth with my cover artist, seen a couple of potential designs for the cover, and I'm elbow deep in the editing process. Right now, as I type this.

I'm also a procrastinator. I'm trying to kick that habit, but if I set a deadline for myself I meet it. So I'm writing this out as an introduction of sorts. Which means I should probably introduce myself.

Hi, I'm Megan. I'm not quite 24 (I'll be 24 before my book comes out though), and I've been telling stories since I was 6. I wish I was joking; we had show and tell every week in the first grade and I would always forget my show and tell object so I just stood there and made a story up off the top of my head. The other kids loved it, but for some reason I was still convinced I wanted to be a paleontologist until I was in the sixth grade.

I've written a novel, but I still haven't discovered any new dinosaurs, so you can see which field I went into.

I have two younger brothers that live in the same house I do, and three sisters that do not. I have a cat that everyone thinks is a girl because he's fluffy, but he's not. I have a programmer boyfriend that you can just tell is nuts the second you see his massively curly hair and realize he has it that way on purpose. That's okay, though, because most people think I'm more nuts than he is.

So there's the first entry. From here on in I'm going to try to be a little more focused and try to find a posting schedule that works for me. It might be a little bit sketchy for the first few weeks while I try to hit an equilibrium, but when I do you'll know.

Fortune Favors,
Megan R. Miller

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